It is a combination of 12 vowels and consonants in Hindi. In Hindi, Vowels are letters that can be pronounced on their own, while consonants must be pronounced with a vowel. The Hindi Barakhadi consists of 52 letters, which can be divided into two categories: vowels (स्वर) and consonants (व्यंजन). If you want to learn the Barakhadi for other languages like Gujarati and Marathi in English, please start here.
If you want to learn this in Hindi, please check out this dedicated Hindi Barakhadi guide in Hindi only. We’ll be learning the basics of Hindi Barakhadi in English here.
It is the foundation of literacy in Hindi and is used to teach reading, writing, spelling, grammar, vocabulary development, literary analysis, and cultural enrichment. Hindi Barakhadi or Barah Khadi (बारहखड़ी) is the system of organizing the letters of the Hindi language based on their sounds. Hindi Barakhadi in English – designed by starline – Introduction to Hindi Barakhadi